Spiritual Diva Jewelry
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Spiritual Diva Jewelry Metaphysical and Crystal Healing Facts

Top 4 Reiki Healing Crystals for Pure Positive Energy - Spiritual Diva

Top 4 Reiki Healing Crystals for Pure Positive Energy - Spiritual Diva

Positive Energy is something we could all use a boost with. Crystals can raise your natural vibration to keep you in a more positive inner state. They surround you with the energy for feeling pleasure and happiness, enhance your well being, and can help you to live in the present moment. They can also deflect negative energy from people and your surroundings. Here are my favorite crystals for attracting pure positive energy.

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True Beauty Starts From Within - Spiritual Diva

True Beauty Starts From Within - Spiritual Diva

 True beauty starts from within, the energy you hold inside you and in your auric field always manifests itself on the outside. Sometimes, we work so hard on the physical parts of ourselves that we forget to take care of our inner emotions and feelings. We beat ourselves up for all of our imperfections, and seem to only focus on what we hate about ourselves. Loving yourself is the most important factor in life. It affects everything from self confidence, to having healthy relationships, even being successful. It truly took me years to even "like" myself never mind "love"myself, but once I realized how much it affected my quality of life, I stared to look at it differently, and things slowly began to change. 

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How To Use Crystals And Gemstones For Stress And Anxiety Relief

How To Use Crystals And Gemstones For Stress And Anxiety Relief

 Crystals offer a natural form of stress and anxiety relief. Crystals vibrate at a high level energetically. When you have crystals in your aura, they raise your energetic vibration to meet its own. When you vibrate at a higher level, you feel better emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Crystals encourage a more relaxed state of mind. They ease tension in the body, promote tranquility and a state of peace. Below are a few of my favorite crystals for stress and anxiety relief

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Cleansing, Charging, And Programming Your Healing Crystals And Jewelry

Cleansing, Charging, And Programming Your Healing Crystals And Jewelry

Crystals and gemstones have the ability to attract positive and negative energy, and can hold that energy unless they are cleansed. The jewelry you wear and the crystals in your aura will absorb the energies you have within you, as well as the negative energies from people and your surroundings. Therefore they should be cleansed regularly, to maintain their highest vibration. When buying new crystals it is important to cleanse, clear and re-align all unwanted vibrations before use. Crystals are handled by many people from the moment they are mined, to the moment you purchase them. Each and every person imprints their own vibration within the stone. It is important to clear the energy of others, and program it with your intention before use. Crystals need to be recharged over time. Think of them as like an energetic battery. To keep them at their highest vibration they need to be energized after a period of time or use. 

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Best Psychics & Mediums in Massachusetts & What They Have Taught Me

Best Psychics & Mediums in Massachusetts & What They Have Taught Me

Ever since I was a little girl, as far back as I can remember, everything about the metaphysical world has fascinated me. I have been to almost every psychic or medium in the Boston area and beyond. Being intuitive myself I believe I was lead to a few certain people in my life to help me along my journey. Each year I have a party where at least three or four psychics will do readings for my family and friends.  Every psychic or medium has their own style of reading people. They all use different forms of divination. These people have taught me everything I know about the metaphysical world, and I am endlessly grateful and lucky to call them my friends. It gives me great pride and pleasure to share their gifts with you. 

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