Spiritual Diva Jewelry
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Spiritual Diva Jewelry Metaphysical and Crystal Healing Facts

Healing Crystals For Chronic Pain Relief - Spiritual Diva

Healing Crystals For Chronic Pain Relief - Spiritual Diva

Many crystals and gemstones can provide a holistic approach to pain relief. Here are a few of my favorites

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The Healing Properties of Mookaite Jasper - Spiritual Diva

The Healing Properties of Mookaite Jasper - Spiritual Diva

Learn about the many healing properties of Mookaite Jasper. Mookaite Jasper Increases self-confidence and self worth while supporting proper fluid intake, boosting the immune system, and helping to counter the effects of aging. It also helps you accept the aging process in a more positive way. 

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Amethyst, Grief, Stress, Depression, and Protection All In One Crystal

Amethyst, Grief, Stress, Depression, and Protection All In One Crystal

Amethyst is an amazing crystal. Its purple hue draws you into its mystical lore. I use it in many of my jewelry collections because of its many physical, emotional and spiritual healing qualities. Which include stress, grief, depression, and psychic protection.

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The Best Healing Crystals for Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Mothers

The Best Healing Crystals for Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Mothers

"What are the best crystals for fertility, infertility, pregnancy, and conception? " This is the most common question that people will ask me . Not being able to conceive and infertility are the most devastating things for many women. My heart goes out to them every time I am asked this question. I find that for many women this devastation consumes their every thought, and this state of worry, impatience, and grief only makes the issue worse. By doing this you are lowering your vibration and making it more difficult for the universe to deliver what you desire. Before I even start to recommend what crystals to use, I tell them to... let it go, TRUST and believe that you will have it, and keep yourself in the vibration like you already do. Distract yourself with other things that bring you joy, so your vibration will match your desire .

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Make A DIY Essential Oil Negative Energy Crystal Clearing Spray

Make A DIY Essential Oil Negative Energy Crystal Clearing Spray

Negative Energy is something that we all have to deal with on a daily basis. Being intuitive, I am extremely sensitive to any negative energy or entities. Point blank, It just makes me feel bad. Whenever possible, I will clear my home, or the homes of friends in need. There are many methods I will use, depending on the type of negative energy present. Keep in mind, negative energy lingers. When I clear a house, I can actually feel the location in the home that an argument has taken place, even if it is long passed and over . 

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