Spiritual Diva Jewelry
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Spiritual Diva Jewelry Metaphysical and Crystal Healing Facts

Cutting Energetic Cords and Attachments - Spiritual Diva

Cutting Energetic Cords and Attachments - Spiritual Diva

 Energetic cords are psychic attachments or energetic ties of invisible energy between two people or a past situations that hold a strong emotional pull with another person. These same cords have a way of keeping things and people in your energetic field that you no longer want in your life . 

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Clear Quartz The Ultimate Energy Amplifier - Spiritual Diva

Clear Quartz The Ultimate Energy Amplifier - Spiritual Diva

CLEAR QUARTZ is known as the "Master Healer", and is one of the most versatile stones you can use. It amplifies thought and energy, making it a great stone for manifestation, and will also amplify the vibration of any other crystals you might be wearing.

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Attract Your Soulmate With Crystals & Gemstones - Spiritual Diva

Attract Your Soulmate With Crystals & Gemstones - Spiritual Diva

I truly believe that each soul has a perfect match. Your true soulmate or Twin Flame was predetermined before you even came to this earth. They are in harmony with your soul and resonate with your own energy. Being a Mirror image of one another, they can connect to you without even needing to speak. You and your soulmate will have a bond no one else can understand.

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Crystals & Gemstones Attract Prosperity & Abundance - Spiritual Diva

Crystals & Gemstones Attract Prosperity & Abundance - Spiritual Diva

Do you wish to attract prosperity and abundance into your life? If you use genuine crystals and gemstones, they will help you to raise your vibration. When we vibrate at a higher level we are a vibrational match to the things we want to attract. By keeping a  positive attitude you will effect change more easily. Crystals and gemstones help to keep us in a more positive state by balancing our chakras, or our energy centers in the body.

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Crystals For Healing Grief And Depression - Spiritual Diva Jewelry

Crystals For Healing Grief And Depression - Spiritual Diva Jewelry

     Healing crystals can be used to help support you emotionally while you work through depression and grief. They act as an tool for shifting your energy and raising your energetic vibration to a more positive state. Did you know that crystals and gemstones can absorb energy for you? They can protect your Aura by taking on negativity being directed at you, and sadness coming from inside your personal energy field.     Crystals are alive like everything else in the universe. They vibrate at different levels depending on their composition and color. They all have different vibrational levels that...

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