Spiritual Diva Jewelry
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The Best Crystals for Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Pisces September 16, 2016

   This full moon Lunar Eclipse is here to remind us that all the answers we are seeking already lie within us. We are going to want to paddle upstream in order to manifest our desires, but why paddle upstream? If you just go with the flow and use your intuition, and allow the universe to to guide you along your journey, your desires will be more easily and quickly met rather then trying to force and paddle upstream.

 On September 16 at 7:45 we will have a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. When the moon is in Pisces, intuition and creativity are both extremely heightened, and it is the perfect time for awakenings and spiritual growth . This is a great time to tap into your intuition because the eclipse will amplify your energy. Whenever there is a lunar eclipse I choose to meditate because it allows me to tap into my intuition and energy as deeply as possible. Choosing to meditate outdoors will connect you to nature and ground your energy. Opening yourself to the nature during meditation will heighten your vibrational level, especially during Pisces. I would use this time to ask my guides for answers to specific questions I am looking for, as well as a point in the right direction to the paths I am meant to be following.

    During my meditation, I will use certain crystals to enhance the energy of the eclipse . I have chosen  Amethyst , Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, and Moonstone . The reason I chose these crystals are listed below 

Amethyst Spiritual DivaAmethyst

is a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment , and is known for its abilities to quiet the mind as well as enhance meditative states. It purifies the aura of any bad energy or attachments. It also acts as a shield of white light so those bad energies cannot re-enter your body. It stimulates the 3rd eye and crown chakra, and because of this it enhances intuition and sharpens psychic abilities. Amethyst helps with identifying the causes behind ones bad nature and habits. It helps you to understand the causes and effects in behavior as well as helping with decision making. Because it is a crown chakra stone, it stimulates the higher mind to receive spiritual guidance. It enhances your ability to see the insights and guidance that are being offered to you.

Spiritual Diva Jewelry stress and anxiety relief bracelet Spiritual Diva Amethyst Energy Healing Crystal Gemstone Adjustable Reiki Bracelet 

Black Tourmaline Spiritual Diva Black Tourmaline 

The reason I will use Black Tourmaline is because of it's amazing grounding and protective  abilities . This eclipse, being in Pisces this is very important . The sign of Pisces tends to be very ungrounded ( I should know this, because I am one ) Pisces is also one of the most intuitive and empathic signs, so you are more susceptible to negative energy and entities. Black Tourmaline is one of the best protection stones you can wear. It takes that negative energy, grounds it, and lightens it into more positive energy and vibrations. Meditating on this stone under the eclipse will help you remove the negative energy and transform it into something brighter . If you have a high anxiety level, this is the perfect stone to help relieve any distressing energies. It will help you push your fears into the darkness and aleviate any residual bad vibrations in your life, as well as help release it into the moon energy. 

Black Tourmaline Angel Bracelet - Spiritual Diva  Spiritual Diva Jewelry PROTECTION Hamsa Hand Evil Eye Healing Crystal Reiki Gemstone Bracelet

Aquamarine Spiritual DivaAquamarine

I am choosing aquamarine because it is my favorite stone for Pisces. Being a communication stone, it is a great stone for spiritual communication as well. Seeing as the eclipse is a Pisces, it would be very beneficial to meditate on. In ancient lore, it was known as the treasured stone of mermaids, with very strong ties to the ocean. Often associated with luck, protection, communication, and fearlessness, this stone is very good for deep heartfelt connection. Whether it be with others or your own intuition and guides. This stone is considered to be beneficial  to receive and decipher signs from your guides, and is often used by shamans, healers, and psychics alike. 

Inner Beauty Healing Crystal Reiki Moonstone Aquamarine Charm Bracelet - Spiritual Diva Jewelry Inner Beauty Healing Crystal Reiki Moonstone Aquamarine Angel Bracelet - Spiritual Diva Jewelry

Moonstone Spiritual Diva Full Moon eclipse Moonstone 

Choosing Moonstone as a meditation stone for a lunar eclipse will bring you a strong connection to the moons energy. Allowing you to dig into yourself and retrieve the missing pieces or your soul and life force. This stone has been used for centuries for protection and to maintain strong ties to the earth and its energies. It's uplifting and powerful protection energy will be with you as you gain clarity, and lift the veil into your deepest self. Promoting inner vision as well as being able to diffuse energy throughout your aura. 

Spiritual Diva Moonstone Reiki Bracelet Spiritual Diva Jewelry Moonstone Reiki adjustable healing Gemstone Bracelet

   During Meditation hold your crystals in your left hand, and imagine a white light of positive energy coming from the crystals and entering your body when you breathe in . Imagine a cloud of black smoke which contains any negative energy you may be holding coming out when you exhale. Remember to set an intention for whatever knowledge you are seeking. Your vibration is now at a higher state, and being amplified even more by the eclipse. Listen to your soul for the answers . If not at this exact moment , then very soon you will receive signs guiding you to the correct path to take, or answer to a question . Lunar Eclipse energy will stay for days after so if you can't meditate tonight then within the next few days will be ok also. Remember to charge your crystals and jewelry in the lunar eclipse energy. 

My Meditation Chair spiritual Diva Jewelry
My meditation char. 
Please feel free to ask any questions I would be happy to answer.
Spiritual Diva Jewelry

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  • Shari Webb on

    I love the blog. I’m a Pisces , I love your insite! ?

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