Jade is a “Crystal of Tranquility”. It helps to soothe the emotions and with keeping peace. It provides a sense of self-worth and strength to endure painful situations. It promotes harmony and balance through emotional detachment. It is an excellent stone for recovery after a traumatic experience. It helps to heal grief, loss, and feelings of depression.
I use jade on my GIVE ME STRENGTH COLLECTION for this reason
Jade is one of my favorite stones to attract wealth. I keep a tumbled stone in the cash drawer at the salon I own. Jade creates a positive attitude toward money and this helps to attract abundance into your life. It promotes good luck in all areas of life, and is said to bless whatever it touches.
I use Jade on my PROSPERITY AND ABUNDANCE COLLECTION for this reason.
Jade symbolizes wisdom gathered in tranquility by dispelling negativity, and encourages you to see yourself as you really are. Green Jade is a heart chakra stone, making it a crystal of love. It attracts new love, and increases trustworthiness and fidelity. It also inspires love later in life. Jade provides confidence and helps you to be assertive, and self reliable . It rids the mind of self-imposed limitations, and helps to promote ambition.
Physically Jade is a powerful cleansing stone. It is excellent for treating the kidneys, spleen and adrenal glands. It helps to remove toxins from the body. It also helps with the heart, immune system, spleen, kidneys, nervous system, and thymus.
You can wear Jade on jewelry, or carry a piece of tumbled stone. Meditation with jade is also beneficial for manifesting wealth, and helping to lift your mood. Being a Heart Chakra crystal, it can help clear stuck energy in that area.